Similarity measures
Similarity between observations, measuring and visualizing them with MDS and a t-SNE.
Statistical tests
Are there differences? Are variables associated? Is it significant? Choosing, executing and interpreting statistical tests.
Mining Alice’s Wonderland
A sentiment analysis for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland using the tidytext, gutenbergr and ggplot libraries.
Creating raster maps
Geographical data plotting by using raster maps plots, and 'prettifying' it by adding a Google map layer.
Working with networked graphs in ggraph
Networked and hierarchical data plotting, using the ggraph package.
t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
Exploring and condensing a data set by using Barnes-Hut t-SNE.
Choosing and executing different clustering methods, and using it within the tidy framework.
Replacing missing data with best guesses
Identifying the extent of your missing value problems, and ways to fix them.